Dean Matthew Mench (TCE) is presenting the award to the 2023 Recipient, Eric Zeanah, President of American Accessories International, for continuing to provide mentorship and career opportunities to the next generation.
Isaac Green
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Scott Scanlon
Major: Marketing
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Maddee Candlish
Major: Marketing & Supply Chain Management
Minor: Consumer Sciences
Lauren Werner
Major: Retail Merchandising & Management
Sam Baumann
M.S. in Computer Science
Camden Sewell
B.S. in Sports Management
Minor: Consumer Sciences
Conor Koesterman
B.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering
Tully Fitzpatrick
Major: Finance
Minor: Computer Science/IBEP
Dane Larsen
Major: Accounting
Minor: Finance
Colin Hatt
Major: Data Analytics
Minor: IBEP
American Accessories International is always looking for motivated, talented individuals in the fields of marketing, engineering, digital media, and more. Whether you are looking for an internship or a full-time position, e-mail us at or keep scrolling for more information.
American Accessories International announces with great pride that the newest engineering building on the University of Tennessee campus will be named “The Zeanah Engineering Complex” in honor of the support AAI has provided to the Tickle College of Engineering.
AAI’s owner and president Eric Zeanah and his wife Elaine Zeanah, along with partners Teo Chee Seng, David Zeanah, and Kevin McHale are all alumni of the University of Tennessee. For over 25 years they have engaged, mentored, and inspired the next generation of engineering graduates. The Zeanah Engineering Complex will provide state-of-the-art research and educational facilities for engineering students, faculty, and staff, providing more hands-on experiences from the first day on campus.
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